St. Maarten Nectar had the honor of participating in the 4th annual Girls Night Out! This is event is geared towards a night of entertainment and shopping is the largest women’s event on the island. The St. Maarten Nectar team worked tirelessly for two days setting up their booth fashioned after an authentic replica of their exclusive boutique. Our hopes of reaching out to the local community and bringing awareness of the diversity of our brand and products was a complete success. Ladies from all over the island stopped by to try our lines, have a chat and do a little shopping. It was also great to hear a lot these ladies stories from their issues with aging skin or complications with eczema and what we had to offer to provide relief to common skin care problems. As with our sales for the entire month of May, 10% of the proceeds made from Girls Night Out will be donated to provided needed supplies for oncology departments. St. Maarten Nectar also wanted to send a special thank you to the night’s host Gina Bruney for getting the word out about our booth and of course a huge thank you to Bernadette for organizing this event and brining a little more girl power to the island.